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ChronoCops – Da Vincis Universal-Dilemma Shop
ChronoCops – Da Vincis Universal-Dilemma

In Da Vincis Universal-Dilemma plant Professor Knix, einen unterirdischen Fluss anzubohren. Doch das dürfen die ChronoCops auf keinen Fall zulassen! Um ihn zu stoppen, müssen sie in ihrem Chronographen zunächst eine LED neu kalibrieren, doch dazu brauchen sie die Hilfe von Leonardo da Vinci. Aber irgendwie hat Professor Knix in der Vergangenheit mal wieder Chaos hinterlassen - und auch einige störende Cronks, die seltsam Helfer-Wesen des Professors.

ChronoCops ist ein Zeitreise-Abenteuer voll mit verrücktem Humor und viel Augenzwinkern. Die Spielidee basiert auf Point-and-Click-Abenteuern der Videospielgeschichte. Als ChronoCops – Agent*innen der prestigeträchtigsten Forschungsabteilung für Zeitreisen – reisen die Spielenden durch die Zeit zu berühmten Personen und Orten, wo sie Rätsel lösen müssen. Dazu gilt es, die richtigen Dinge zusammenzubringen, um die Ecke zu denken, Hindernisse aus dem Weg zu räumen und so gemeinsam den wahnsinnigen Professor Knix aufzuhalten.

Die Spielenden erkunden verschiedene Zeitlinien, die erst durch das erfolgreiche Lösen von Rätseln nach und nach geöffnet werden können. In jeder Zeitlinie gibt es verschiedene Sprungmarken, zu denen sie reisen können. Manche in der Vergangenheit oder Zukunft, andere in alternativen Realitäten. Überall verstecken sich Hinweise und Objekte, die die ChronoCops einsammeln und mit dem Chrono-Decoder kombinieren können, um sie an einem bestimmten Ort zu benutzen. Über die Rückseite des Chrono-Decoders kann sich die Gruppe zudem Tipps geben lassen, wenn sie mal nicht weiterkommt.

Number of players: Für 1 to 6 Spieler ab 12 years
Playing time: 90 to 150 minutes
Deadly Dinner - Tödliches Versprechen Packshot Left Shop
Deadly Dinner – Tödliches Versprechen

Eine Traumhochzeit in der Karibik: In Deadly Dinner - Tödliches Versprechen ist die kleine Hochzeitsgesellschaft angereist, um den schönsten Tag im Leben des Brautpaars zu feiern. Doch noch bevor die Feier richtig beginnen kann, wird der Bräutigam tot aufgefunden.

Der bzw. die Gastgeber*in lädt die Gäste zu einem gemeinsamen Dinner ein, bei dem diese die Rollen von Mordverdächtigen übernehmen. Jemand von ihnen hat den Mord begangen, doch alle haben Geheimnisse, die sie lieber für sich behalten wollen. Über drei Runden hinweg versuchen sie, hinter die Geheimnisse der anderen Spielenden zu kommen, ohne sich selbst verdächtig zu machen. Das gemeinsame Ziel ist es, den Mordfall aufzuklären - oder mit der blutigen Tat davon zu kommen.

Eine Partie Deadly Dinner besteht aus drei Runden, in denen alle neue Informationen zum Tathergang bekommen. In jeder Runde erhalten die Spielenden außerdem geheime Objekte, die in Umschlägen in der Verpackung zu finden sind. Die Spielenden müssen ihre Informationen und Hinweise in der Gruppe diskutieren, um am Ende den Täter bzw. die Täterin zu identifizieren. Um sich vorbereiten zu können, sollten die Spielenden ein paar Tage vor dem Spielen die Startinformationen zu ihrem Charakter erhalten.

Number of players: Für 4 to 6 Spieler ab 16 years
Playing time: 120 to 180 minutes
Monster Inn Shop
Monster Inn

This is the German version of Monster Inn. An English version is available separately (18288E).

Number of players: Für 3 to 5 Spieler ab 8 years
Playing time: 20 to 30 minutes
Werwölfe - Vampirnacht Shop
Werwölfe - Vampirnacht

This is the German version of Werwölfe - Night of the Vampires. An English version is available separately (18276E).

Number of players: Für 6 to 24 Spieler ab 10 years
Playing time: 30 to 90 minutes
Swindler (Edition Spielwiese) Shop
Swindler (Edition Spielwiese)

This is the German version of Swindler. An English version is available separately (59057E).

Number of players: Für 2 to 4 Spieler ab 10 years
Playing time: 45 to 60 minutes
Deadly Dinner - Killing Woodstock (English Edition) Shop
Deadly Dinner - Killing Woodstock (English...

Deadly Dinner - Killing Woodstock is set in San Francisco, 1970: Ten people have one goal: Reviving the legendary Woodstock Festival. A tranquil San Francisco commune, an up-and-coming rock band, and a tough motorcycle gang are united by their love of music, peace, and mind-expanding drugs. However, the festival turns into a death trip for the commune’s spiritual leader. Once the guru was found murdered, peace, love, and happiness were over.

Deadly Dinner - Killing Woodstock is a classic murder mystery game. It is played over three rounds, during which the players receive new information about the sequence of events as well as secret objects that can be found in envelopes in the game box. The players have to discuss the information and clues they have available to identify the culprit in the end. A blueprint of the location and character standees allow them to keep track of who was where when the crime occurred.

Number of players: Für 7 to 10 Spieler ab 16 years
Playing time: 180 to 240 minutes
MicroMacro: Crime City 3 – All In (English Edition) Shop
MicroMacro: Crime City 3 – All In (English...

Since the release of MicroMacro: Crime City in October 2020, around 2 million copies of the first and second part, MicroMacro: Crime City 2 - Full House, have been produced worldwide - in no fewer than 31 languages. The Spiel des Jahres 2021 (Game of the Year 2021) inspires experienced gamers and newcomers alike as it provides thrilling and innovative detective work in your own four walls.
With MicroMacro: Crime City 3 - All In, players can venture into the next district of the crime-ridden black and white metropolis Crime City. On a new, huge city map, which seamlessly connects to the previous maps, 16 tricky criminal cases are again waiting to be solved by one to four amateur detectives. These are brand new stories, more ingenious and devious than ever before! Players need to determine motives, find evidence and convict the perpetrators. An attentive eye is just as important as creative deduction skills in order to unravel everything on the 75 x 110 cm game board. A magnifying glass is included in the game as a little help to find all the details and the individual cases are again marked with symbols so that parents can decide which cases the youngest investigators are allowed to research and uncover. MicroMacro: Crime City 3 - All In is a stand-alone game, no previous knowledge from the other two MicroMacro games is required.

Number of players: Für 1 to 4 Spieler ab 12 years
Playing time: 15 to 45 minutes
MicroMacro: Crime City 3 – All In (German Edition) (Edition Spielwiese) Shop
MicroMacro: Crime City 3 – All In (German...

This is the German version of MicroMacro: Crime City 3 – All In. An English version is available separately (59062E).

Number of players: Für 1 to 4 Spieler ab 10 years
Playing time: 15 to 45 minutes
Werewolves – Night of the Vampires (English Edition) Shop
Werewolves – Night of the Vampires (English...

Wherever werewolves are up to mischief, vampires are not far away. This is also the case with the sequel to the communication game, Werewolves - Night of the Vampires, in which the bloodsuckers are loose. The proven game principle remains the same: Every night the vampires secretly devour a human. The following day, all players discuss who among them could be a vampire - and can lynch the most suspicious person after voting. Special characters like the insomniac and the investigator can unmask the vampires, but will people believe them the next day?

Werewolves - Night of the Vampires is stand-alone, but can also be combined with Werewolves New Edition to play with up to 48 people in three teams (vampire, werewolf, village).

Number of players: Für 6 to 24 Spieler ab 10 years
Playing time: 30 to 90 minutes
Caldera Park (Deep Print Games) (English Edition) Shop
Caldera Park (Deep Print Games) (English Edition)

Welcome to the North American wilderness! Breath-taking mountain vistas and spectacular geysers await you here. Vast forests and wide prairie offer home and safety to countless species of animal. Players run a national park and want to unite its animals in the largest families possible. Make sure that they find watering holes and that they completely fill many types of terrain.

But beware, unpredictable weather can drive animals away, and the other players run their own parks and have a say in where certain species must go. Place your animals cleverly, carefully considering terrain and weather, and the best national park can be yours.

Caldera Park offers new challenges with great variety and easy rules. Fans of Savannah Park will rediscover some elements in the follow-up, which have been interpreted in new ways, varied and complemented with new elements. Caldera Park is part of the Deep Print Games "In Nature”-series and – like Renature and Savannah Park – entirely abstains from using plastic.

Number of players: Für 1 to 4 Spieler ab 10 years
Playing time: 20 to 40 minutes
Swindler (Edition Spielwiese) (English Edition) Shop
Swindler (Edition Spielwiese) (English Edition)

Travel back to Victorian London, where players are Swindlers who are only too happy to relieve the rich moneybags of their jewellery, money, and house keys ... They won't miss all that.

In Swindler, players draw loot tiles from various (money) bags. They either sell the loot directly to dealers or use it to fulfil lucrative orders to become a master thief. But be careful: Some of the finer snobs are more attentive than expected. One wrong move and all the beautiful loot is gone!

Carefully steal the loot, use accomplices to hinder your fellow thieves, and become the master thief in this push-your-luck game!

Number of players: Für 2 to 4 Spieler ab 10 years
Playing time: 45 to 60 minutes
KuZOOkA *Empfohlen Spiel des Jahres 2023* Shop
KuZOOkA *Empfohlen Spiel des Jahres 2023*

It isn't easy being a zoo animal! The enclosures are far too small for their needs, the daily routine is boring, and the visitors are completely obnoxious, frequently throwing their trash into the enclosures. After an unfortunate incident, the zoo plans to transfer some of the animals to an even smaller partner park in only eight days. That's the last straw! The animals decide to make a run for it and want to break out of the zoo in the next seven days. But now the question rises how to go about it. Multiple ideas come to their minds and all that trash finally becomes useful, if the animals can gather enough of it. Unfortunately, the zoo keepers clean the trash away every morning. And then there is the even bigger problem: How to make the other animals understand? The monkey screams excitedly, the elephant trumpets loudly. But what are they saying? Which items were they able to gather? Which escape plan holds the most promise? They have to find a way to communicate because it is time to leave the zoo!

In KuZOOka, players begin each round be receiving a new set of item cards which they may not show to one another. Instead, they try to let the others know which cards they have and which escape plan to use by cleverly placing their marker on the game board. It shows the colors of the different items as well as numbers going from low to high. On their turn, a player must either propose a new plan by moving their animal marker to a space farther along the way than the previous player, or end the current escape attempt. In the later case, all players reveal their items and if the color and number of items available match the current escape plan proposal, the attempt is successful. The animals gain experience from every attempt, giving them more cards in the following rounds. Only if they manage to gather enough items and communicate successfully, will they be able to leave the zoo for good. Every animal also has a special ability they can use once per day.

Number of players: Für 2 to 6 Spieler ab 8 years
Playing time: 30 to 45 minutes
9 From 20