Quadruple Board Game Fun

Join us for Pegasus Spiele Gaming Days from May 1 until June 18, 2023

Friedberg, April 27, 2023: This year’s Pegasus Spiele Gaming Days will take place from May 1st until June 18, 2023. In participating board game stores and gaming clubs, join and play demonstrations of four brand new games: the push-your-luck game Swindler, the relaxed strategy and puzzle game Dorfromantik – The Board Game, the latest title in the Istanbul series Istanbul – Choose & Write, and the fairy tale memory game Memo Mission.

Soon it will be time again for Pegasus Spiele Gaming Days, a celebration that takes place twice a year. From May until the middle of June, participating European board game stores and gaming clubs will run demonstrations of four games published by Pegasus Spiele. A list of all participating stores and clubs can be found at the Pegasus Spiele Gaming Days Info Page. These demonstrations are free and a registration is often unnecessary. Just visit and join the games!

The family game Swindler, by Pegasus Spiele partner Edition Spielwiese, is set in Victorian London. Two to four players are thieves working to relieve rich snobs of their jewellery, money, and house keys. During the game, players draw tiles from a selection of money bags, hoping to find valuable loot to either sell directly to dealers or to fulfil lucrative orders and be recognized as a master thief. If they are caught, all their collected riches will be lost. This push-your-luck game takes 45 to 60 minutes to play.

Inspired by the successful indie video game Dorfromantik, designer duo Michael Palm and Lukas Zach created Dorfromantik – The Board Game. With strategic foresight and careful placement of the hexagonal tiles, one to six players aged eight years and older will create an idyllic village landscape. They must try and fulfil the town residents’ requests, build the longest possible railroad track and stream, and can also score special flag tiles which provide extra points for completed areas.

Istanbul – Choose & Write is Rüdiger Dorn's newest design in the Istanbul family. Like the 2014 Kennerspiel des Jahres winner Istanbul, players act as merchants racing to acquire goods and Lira to trade for precious rubies. The game mechanics are new as everyone has their own Game Plan sheet where they visit the chosen locations and mark goods, Lira, and permanent Improvements. And for the first time in the Istanbul-series, rules are included so solo players can experience the busy Turkish bazaars.

Memo Mission adds a twist to the classic children’s memory game and is set in the magical world of the Wizardry to the Power of Three game series. Two to four players aged six years and older will try to flip fairy tale images in a specific order. By revealing the exact tiles needed to complete a mission, they will gain valuable crystals and get closer to victory. Each player also has a set of single use magic potions that can craftily change fate in their favor at just the right moment.

All information about the Pegasus Spiele Gaming Days: www.pegasus.de/en/spiele-tage