
Deep Print Games and Pegasus Spiele introduce Corrosion

Friedberg – 12-08-2021: One year after its foundation, Pegasus Spiele partner Deep Print Games publishes its first expert level game called Corrosion. Experienced groups of players as well as solo players can look forward to an exciting new temporary engine builder by designer Stefan Bauer.

In Corrosion, the first expert level game from Deep Print Games, players manage an old factory to build their own engines. Players must work quickly and strategically, finding the best temporary and long-term combinations for an efficient production to beat their rivals. On their turn, players can play cards to create new machines or hire engineers, or they can activate their machines by turning the corrosion wheel. But beware! In the steam-filled factory building, machines and gears corrode quickly – players have to make the most of them before they rust. Coordinating engineers and corrosion wheel timing to smoothly shift from one efficient engine to the next and investing in rustproof chrome gears for more efficient machines will be necessary to claim the victory!

Experienced players can look forward to a challenging game on expert level with atmospheric illustrations by Dennis Lohausen. There is also a solo mode for those who want to take on the challenge by themselves. After seeing Stefan’s design at the Pegasus Spiele Designer Day, the Deep Print Games‘ editorial team members Peter Eggert and Viktor Kobilke were excited to collaborate on this first title with him and bring it to life.

To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the game, metal chrome gears are available to replace the 24 cardboard markers included in the game.

Corrosion is designed for one to four players ages 12 and up. It is now available in stores in Europe.