Tile by Tile

Pegasus Spiele and Edition Spielwiese present FYFE

Friedberg, August 19, 2022: With FYFE Pegasus Spiele and Edition Spielwiese have recently published an abstract tile-laying game with beautiful illustrations. Players have to plan ahead but also react cleverly and flexibly.

In a game of FYFE, two to five players will create patterns by placing tokens on their own player boards. Each round, they decide which of two wooden pieces to place on their board - and how it should be scored. If the newly placed token is put in a row, a column or a diagonal that does not have a scoring board yet, the player has to place one of their remaining scoring boards to assign an objective to that token. The goal is to complete as many of the scoring boards as possible by the end of the game to gain the most points. Players all have the same scoring boards to place, and the first player to complete an objective will also claim bonus points.

Strategically planning in advance and placing the right token at the right time helps players get ahead in this abstract tile-laying game by Kosch. Lucky charms offer players special abilities that can be used once per game. The game ends after 25 rounds when all spaces of the player boards are filled. The person who managed to combine their drawn tokens and scoring boards most efficiently, wins. FYFE is perfect for anyone aged ten and up who enjoys an abstract tile-laying game with extraordinary illustrations by Lukas Siegmon that leaves plenty of room for individual tactical decisions and gives a different experience with each game.